How do I set a data limit?

With a BetteRoaming eSIM, you stay in full control of your data usage. That's because we never automatically renew or extend your plans. Instead, you will receive a notification when you have used 80% of your purchased data. This way, you can be sure you don't run out of data when you need it.

You will also be notified once you've used all data. - then you need more data, you simply purchase it through the available link in the message. You will also receive a new message when your plan has expired and you can access that link too!

Of course, there may be other situations where you want to curb your data usage by setting a limit. Here's how, although instructions vary slightly by device… 



  1. Settings > Connections > Data Usage 

  2. Ensure mobile data is on 

  3. Tap "Billing cycle and data warning”. 

  4. Set start date (based on arrival) 

  5. Enable "Set data warning" (for instance, 9GB if you have a 10GB plan) 

  6. Enable "Set data limit" to automatically stop data at your chosen limit 



  1. Settings > Network & Internet > SIMs 

  2. Ensure mobile data is on 

  3. Tap "Data warning & limit”. 

  4. Set start date (based on arrival) 

  5. Enable "Set data warning" (e.g., 8GB if you have a 10GB plan) 

  6. Enable "Set data limit" to automatically stop data at your chosen limit. 


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